Saturday 3 January 2015

Planning For Final Film: Props

For this task we have had to decide what props we want to show within our final preliminary film. We have decided to do this because it will give us a rough idea of things that we have to purchase and/or borrow before we start filming our preliminary film. Also because props will be needed to add to the drama and climax of the scene or to amplify the tension or atmosphere of a section from within the film.

What props will we need for our "15" film -
  • Fake severed hand
  • Large black duffel bag 
  • Two mobile phones

Where will we get our props from? - 
  • Large black duffel bag - Milly
  • Mobile phone - Sophie 
  • Fake severed hand - Amazon ( 
 How will they confirm your genre or show the representation of your characters?

They add to the threat of violence and add to the sense of a 'murder mystery' surrounding the main character's twin brother and the mystery around the disappearance of his girlfriend.

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