Tuesday 3 February 2015

Planning For Final Film: Song change

For our film, we have decided to make alterations to our song (non - digetic sound) that will be playing within the background. Our lead actor (Burt Cope) has decided to make alterations to our song so that it helps to fit our films intended genre better, the new song that will be being featured in our film has a lot more bass in it - thus, helping to keep the film suspenseful and original and also helping to make the audience immerse themselves in our film even more and to keep them on edge. The new song being featured in our film also helps to exude a sense of eeriness - thus, helping to make our film fit into our intended genre (psychological thriller) even better.

Because we are using music made by our lead actor (Burt Cope), we don't have to worrying about copyright issues arising within our film. Also, by making the alternations that we have made to our song (non - digetic sound) this will help to add more depth to our characters that will be starring within our film and to the setting /environment in which the film will be taking place in, which is good as it will help to make our film more gripping and engaging to the audience that are immersing themselves within it.

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