Wednesday 25 March 2015

Planning For Final Film: Self Assessment

For this task we had to write up a self assessment of the role that we had within our film. We have decided to do this as this gives us each a chance to speak upon the contributions that we have had to our film.

Official role within the film: Costume Designer

Within the making of our film, I was assigned the role of costume designer. This role was very crucial in the making of our film as the clothes that the characters wear within films help to reflect their personalities and helps to foreshadow later happenings within the film.  A lot of the inspiration that I had for the clothes that were shown in our film came from American Horror Story - specifically the psychologically disturbed character "Tate". Within American Horror Story, we can see that Tate usually portrays a very "grunge - like" appearance - helping to characterize and exemplify his psychologically disturbed personality. This is where I got the inspiration to dress the film's main character "Jesse" from as we wanted him to wear very "earthy" colors to help him blend in to his surroundings to and to avoid unwanted attention from others. The other main character in our film "Dex" was dressed in dark clothes - helping to portray him as a shifty, deceitful and untrustworthy character.

Also, I helped in the creation of the title of our film. This was a very crucial role as the title of the film paints a picture in the audiences mind from the outset and this helps them to create a brief overview as to what will happen within the film. Within our group, we started brainstorming ideas as to what our film name should be; we started looking up psychological thriller films on the internet to try and find some inspiration as to what our film's title could be. After a couple of minutes of looking online I stumbled across a short psychological thriller on YouTube called "Illusion" - I immediately thought that this would be a great title/ addition to the title for our film; I thought that this would be a good fit for our film as the protagonist believes that the organist couldn't have took his girlfriend and threatened to kill her, he finds this whole experience extremely surreal - especially with the fact that his life is on the line too; This helps to emanate the element of psychology that is ridden within our film as Jesse (the protagonist) believes that the organization is playing with his mind and he is not able to see or think clearly as to what he is doing and he does actually think that what he is seeing is 'illusions' and not his real mind. The word "experiment" was thought up by another member within our group (Sophie Hodgson); this word paired very well with "Illusion" as one could argue that the "illusion experiment" was a film about the protagonist being a "guinea pig" to an organisation trying to recreate the brain and see if you could 'artificially manufacture' an illusion and if so to what extent could these illusions become a reality. On the other hand, one could argue that this film was about someone who had imagined all these "illusions" were a reality and that in fact he was someone with a severe mental illness that just thought it was all true although it wasn't. That is why it was good that we chose a name such as "the illusion experiment" as it opens up a myriad of possibilities as to what the film could be about and it makes people develop preconceived judgements as to what the plot and story of the film is by just looking at the name - that's why the name of the film plays such an important role in capturing the audience's attention and will help to get more people interested in the film when you have a very original and mind-opening title that helps to directly relate to what the film is about.

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