Monday 17 November 2014

Genre conventions - Psychological thriller

In this lesson, we had to decide what genre we wanted to do for our final preliminary task. We also have to define the genre conventions from within the film and describe what usually happens in our chosen genre film. We also have to find YouTube clips that relate to our chosen film genre.

Chosen genre - psychological thriller 

For our final preliminary task we have decided to do a psychological thriller. 

In a typical psychological thriller you usually notice that they use a range of different camera angles such as mid shot, long shot, close up and extreme close up. They use a vast range of camera angles because it makes the film seem more engaging to the audience. We can also see that a lot of panning shots are used which helps the audience to become aware of the surroundings in which the film is taking place. The lighting in psychological thrillers is usually very dark - which helps to create a sense of mystery and uncertainty from within the film. There are usually very dark themes within the characters of psychological thrillers - this is emphasized by the use of characterization.  Psychological thrillers are also very suspense full which helps to add drama and to put the audience on edge.

Psychological thriller AS example

Camera shots/filming techniques

Within this video, there have been many different types of camera shots and angles used such as  close up, mid shot, long shot and POV (point of view) shots which help to create a sense of uncertainty, mystery and suspense which is apparent throughout most psychological thrillers.

In this scene, the audience sees a close up of the main characters hand. Within this scene, the audience can notice that the main characters hand is on the ground. From this suspense starts building as the audience starts wondering why her hand is on the ground and starts thinking of questions such as 'why is her hand on the ground', 'is she hurt'. By using this type of camera shot you enable the audience to start coming up with conclusions as to what has happened to the character(s) and this causes drama and tension to occur from within the film. In this scene we can also see that the hand is on a dark background which helps to make the hand stand out and also makes it aware to the audience. We can also see that the sun is shining on the main characters hand - implying that it is either sunrise, sunset or dusk which could suggest that the body has been here for a considerable amount of hours as one could argue that the crime was probably committed within the night.

In this scene, the audience sees a close up of the main characters face. Within this scene, the audience is aware that the main character looks rather anxious and nervous which is common is psychological thrillers. Judging by her expression, one could say that the main character may think that someone is following her. Possibly someone trying to attack her which could trigger her 'inner evil'? The audience is also aware that the background is blurred in this scene which draws in more focus to main subjects face. This scene also creates a lot of suspense and it makes the characters the audience question what is going to happen next to the character.

In this scene, the audience sees a long shot of the main character by the side of the building along a pavement. The long shot in this scene gives the effect that the main character is vulnerable and unsure of what is going to happen next. This is a common trait amongst psychological thrillers as the films usually portray the characters to be vulnerable and unsure of what is going to happen next. By doing this, it creates tension and drama as to what will happen in the next scene.

In this scene, the audience sees a mid long shot of the main character departing her house. Within this scene, we can see that the main character looks rather emotional and distressed. This could be as she has just had a thought of someone slitting her throat with her house key - possibly her 'inner evil'. Which has left the character in a very vulnerable state which then puts the audience on edge as this adds suspense and drama within this scene.

Within these two two scenes, we can see that a POV (point of view) shot has been used. This type of shot has been used as it makes the film seem more engaging and enticing to the audience, as it makes it seem that the audience is the main character as you are viewing the key from the main characters perspective which entices the audience into the film. In the second image the audience is aware that the background is blurred which draws the audiences immediate attention to the key.

In this scene, the audience can notice that hand held filming is being used. By doing this, it makes it seem as if we are following the main character. By using this, it helps to engage the audience more as it makes it seem as if the audience is part of the video that is taking place and this helps to entice the audience further into the film.


Within this video, there have been many different background sounds which have helped to make the video seem more engaging, dramatic and full of suspense which has helped to entice the audience.

Within this scene, the audience becomes aware  of the main character getting her throat slit by someone - possibly her 'inner evil' with a key. In this scene, the audience cannot hear the sound of the girl of the girl screaming - yet, the sound of thunder rumbling in the background. The sound of thunder is a rather deep and mysterious sound. Thunder clouds are often very dark grey or black clouds. So this shows that as the girl is screaming she is letting out the darkness from within her and possibly her 'inner evil'. The audience becomes very engaged by this as it is unusual in psychological thrillers and any type of film to suppress the sound of someone screaming. By doing this, they are drawing the audience further into the video as it makes the it seem more engaging - thus, enticing the audience more.

Within this scene, the audience becomes aware that the main character is being followed by someone. From this scene we can hear the faint sound of a heart beating. One could say that the heart beating is the main character as she is aware of someone behind her - yet she is vulnerable and scared as she doesn't know if they could have a weapon on them to attack her. In contrast, one could argue by saying that the character in the dark coat may be nervous as she may be an innocent person and could be worried that the main character could attack her - even though the character in the dark coat seems to have done nothing wrong.

Mise en scene

Within this video, we can see that they have used things such as clothes and scenes to make it apply more to the psychological thriller genre. 

In this scene, we can see that the main character is being followed by another in a black outfit as opposed to her light colored outfit. By the main character wearing a very light colored outfit we can tell that the colour 'white' gives an essence of purity, innocence and harmoniousness which helps to portray the main character as being a gentle, vulnerable girl. On the other hand - we see a character behind the main character in an all black outfit. The colour 'black' and dark colors represent an essence of spite, manipulation and evil behavior. Within this scene, the audience could assume that the character dressed in black is the main character's 'inner evil' and that the image that we are seeing is a depiction of the main characters inner thoughts and personality. Although, one could argue that because the main characters coat is an 'off - white' this could mean that she posses a bit of her 'inner evil' in her normal personality.  Because of them using mise en scene this has helped to make the audience come up with there own conclusions as to what the colors are representing and if they do represent their personality traits or not. In typical psychological thrillers - one usually sees that the bad, evil people are usually wearing very dark clothes/outfits and that the innocent victims are usually wearing very light colored clothes/outfits so this links into the psychological thriller genre very well. By doing what they did in this scene it has helped to keep the audience engaged throughout it and to keep up the suspense throughout.


Within this video, we can also see that they use editing techniques such as match on action to help the video to become more engaging to the audience.


Within these, scenes the audience is aware that match on action has been used. Match on action has been used here as it helps bring the focus of a certain object to the audiences mind. In this case it is the key. We can see that they keep cutting and going back to the key to show that it is an important part of the film as we see that the main characters throat it slit with this house key - this intrigues the audience and helps to keep them engaged within the film.

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