Tuesday 18 November 2014

Analysis of band 4 final preliminary task

In this task, we was asked to watch a level 4 final preliminary task. We was then asked to analyse this preliminary task and identify the positive and negatives of this video according to the four elements listed by the mark scheme that you are marked on in your final piece - which include; Titles, sound, filming and editing.

Level 4 mark scheme:

There is evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the technical skills:

- Using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions.
- Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;
- shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene;
-Using editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects.

Positive elements of the film include:


Titles used in the correct places and the color and font of the text fits in well to the films genre. E.g. using white text on top of a dark background to make it stand out.

For example -

In the credits, we can see that they have used a very bold font with a white text colour - set on a dark background. They have decided to do this as it draws the audiences attention to the credits immediately - they have possibly used a dark background to display the credits in order to show that the film is going to be mysterious, evil and full of suspense as dark colors usually used to portray a sense of evil and mystery which is apparent throughout the clip. One could suggest that the colour white (shown in the credits) represents 'purity' and possessing a 'soul'. But, the colour white is shown on a background with water that is stained with blood which is being drained down the drain - which is possibly representing that an innocent soul is being washed down the drain - which is portraying the murder that the woman has commited. One could also suggest that the colour 'white' represents purity and innocence - as in this screenshot we see that the white is being washed away by the bloody water - possibly showing that the woman who committed the crime is having her innocence and purity washed away from her as she has committed a crime.


Sounds used in the film were appropriate and linked in very well to the film genre which made the film seem more aesthetically pleasing to its audience.  E.g. using appropriate sounds in certain scenes of the film to make the scenes seem more scary, intense and more hard - hitting.

For example -

In this scene, the audience can hear the subtle sound of the blood drizzling down the drain in the bath. From this we can gather that it gives the film a sense of eeriness which is apparent to the audience and it leaves them with questions such as - 'why is there blood in the bath?', 'who's blood is it? etc.

In this scene, the audience can hear the faint sound of a timer being used. This could be the woman's inner voices possibly telling her that she is running out of time to get rid of all the blood in the bath. From this we can gather that the sound in this scene creates a lot of suspense as it leaves the audience questioning what is going to happen next in the film and it puts the audience on edge.

In this scene, the audience can hear the sound of the woman coughing up her blood. This could be because she is disgusted with herself as to what she has done and this is the only way of trying to get rid of the disgust and sheer hatred she had with herself at that moment. From this we can gather that the woman is so horrified with her actions that she has thrown up - this could may have been used to show the severity of what she did.


Within this video, there has been a broad and diverse range of camera shots and angles used which makes the video seem more engaging to the audience. E.g. extreme close ups used to show the true emotions within a character.

For example -

In this scene, the audience sees a close up of a vodka bottle with the main character in the background. They may have decided to create this type of shot as it makes the vodka bottle seem as if it is an important part of the story. From this, one could suggest that the reason the woman why she committed the crime was because she was drunk. In contrast, one could argue that she is having a drink of the vodka to drown her thoughts and emotions in an attempt to try and forget about the horrific crime that she has just commited.

In this scene, the audience sees a close up of the main characters hand. They have decided to take this type of shot as it allows the audience to view the fine details within the character. In this image we can see that she is rubbing blood off of her hand - we can see a close up of this as we can see that the blood has permeated through her skin and she is trying to relentlessly get it off in order to make sure that she has no evidence of it linking back to her.

In this scene, the audience sees a panning shot of the blood in the bath. They have decided to take this type of shot as it allows the audience to witness the magnitude of the horrific crime. From this we can gather that the crime is a lot worse than the audience was expecting which helps to create a lot of tension and suspense from within the film.


Within this video, there have been many different editing techniques - such as reversing the film which has helped to make it flow well and to keep it seem engaging to the audience.

For example -

In this scene, we can see that they have reversed the video to write the word 'delusion' within the blood. They have decided to do this as it allows the audience to come up with their own perception of why the word 'delusion' was written here. This shot is a POV (point of view) shot meaning that we are looking at this from the min characters perspective. The word 'delusion' usually refers to you seeing things so this could mean that the main character is just seeing things as she has become so hysterical because she
cannot believe what she has done


In this scene, we can see that they have deliberately blurred the focus of the camera. They have decide to do this as it enables the film to be more engaging and interesting to the audience. Within this scene we can gather that the focus is blurry because the main character has some vodka and having too much alcohol could result in having blurred vision so this makes the film seem more engaging as it makes it seem that the audience is the main character.


Within this film we can see that mise-en-scene has been used. By using mise-en-scene this adds diversity and contrast from within the film to make it seem engaging to the audience.

For example -

In this scene, we can see that in terms of clothing. Mise-en-scene has been used. We can see that the main character is wearing a light coloured top which helps her blend into the background. By using a light - coloured top this creates an essence of 'purity' which has no been tarnished by the blood that is stained on her light coloured top. It also helps to make the blood stand out amongst the cream/white.

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