Monday 8 December 2014

How does Todorov's narrative theory link to our chosen film genre

In this task, we had to describes Todorov's narrative theory and explain how it fits/ doesn't fit our chosen film.

These 5 steps are;

- State of equilibrium
- Disruption to that equilibrium
- Recognition that disorder has occoured
- Attempt (or attempts) to resolve a situation
- Return to that equilibrium or establishment of a new equilibrium.

The film I have decided to do is flight plan. Flight plan is a 2005 psychological/ slow boiling thriller film directed by Robert Schwentke and starring Jodie Foster and Peter Saarsgard. It is about a mother (Kyle Pratt) who was living in Berlin with her daughter (Julia) who is traveling home to Long Island in America to bury her husband who fell of the roof of their Berlin apartment. Within the  flight back to New York,  Kyle and Julia each decide to have a rest for their flight back home. When Kyle wakes up, she realises that Julia is missing and is nowhere to be found. This film does link to Todorov's narrative theory as there is a State of equilibrium, disruption to that equilibrium, recognition that disorder has occurred, attempt (or attempts) to resolve a situation and return to that equilibrium or establishment of a new equilibrium.

State of equilibrium -

Kyle Pratt has just boarded the airplane for New York from Berlin with her daughter, Julia and are now trying to find there seats. At this point in the film everything seems calm and nothing seems to be wrong.


Disruption to that equilibrium -

At this point within the film, Kyle wakes up from her nap and discovers that her daughter (Julia) is not in her seat. At this point we can see that there is drama and suspense being built as Kyle thought that she would be taking a nap and she isn't - which is making Kyle anxious. Thus, causing suspense and drama to be built and to cause a disruption to that sense of calm that was apparent throughout the beginning of the film.

Recognition -

After noticing that Julia is nowhere to be found. Kyle starts searching all of the cabins on the airplane in order to find Julia but to no avail. Kyle then goes back to Julia's seat and realizes that her teddy bear is still in Julia seat. Within this scene, there is a close up of Julia's teddy bear which reflects how valuable and sacred it was to Julia. This makes Kyle start asking questions as she knows that Julia would not go anywhere without her teddy bear. So then Kyle starts to get even more nervous and starts to panic even more then. Which then creates more drama and suspense.

Attempted resolution -

After not being able to find Julia herself, Kyle informs the captain that her daughter is missing. The captain then orders the cabin crew to turn on the fasten seat belt sign and to search every crevice of the aircraft in order to find Julia. At this point, Kyle starts to feel a little bit less anxious as she knows that the cabin crew will find Julia.

Return to that equilibrium -

After being claimed that her daughter died with her husband and that she was mentally ill. Kyle started to search the plane herself in order to find Julia but to no avail. Carson (the air Marshall) then goes and tells the captain that Kyle is a terrorist and the airline must pay Kyle 50 million dollars into a bank account or she will blow up the plane, although this was not true and it was Carson all along. The plane has to then make an emergency landing at goose bay airport in Newfoundland and all the passengers and crew have to deboard the plane but Carson stays on board with Kyle. Carson then admits to Kyle that he has kidnapped Julia. Kyle then hits him over the head with a fire extinguisher and begins to search the plane for Julia. She eventually finds Julia within the nose of the plane in avionics and discovers that there are bombs in the nose of the plane so when Carson comes inside the nose of the plane, Kyle and Julia hide within the cargo hold with the non-combustible walls to protect them and detonate the bomb killing Carson. After this Kyle, then departs the plane with Julia and proves to the passengers and crew that Julia was alive and was missing. This then helps to return to that calm stage that was apparent throughout the beginning of the film.

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