Monday 22 September 2014

Different Camera Angle Story Board

For this task we was asked to display a storyboard and create a series of pictures of a subject with a different camera angle for each picture. Within this task I took 9 photos, each focusing on a different type of camera angle, this has been done to further my understanding of different types of angles and what effect certain types of angles will have on the audience.


 For the first picture I decide to use a close up shot, I decided to use this as it shows the facial expressions on the subjects face to the audience viewing the image. Notice that the background is blurred to draw attention to the subject.

For the second picture I decided to use a mid long shot. I decided to use a mid long shot as it gives the audience more information about the subject in question. The mid long shot also shows the subject as well as the background to roughly let the viewer know where the subject is.

For the third picture I decided to use a eye-level shot. I decided to use this shot as it makes the audience aware of the subjects facial expressions and the emotions that you can see in the subjects eyes.


For the fourth picture I decided to use an extreme long shot. I decided to use this shot as it makes the subject seem very vulnerable and alone, this
creates suspense and drama in the audiences mind. Also, by using an extreme long shot it shows the vastness of the background behind the subject.


For the fifth shot I decided to use a worms-eye view shot. I decided to use this shot as it makes the subject look very powerful and mighty, and by using this shot it makes the audience look very insignificant to the character, it also shows the subjects body language from the audiences perspective.


 For the sixth shot I decided to use a birds-eye view shot. I decided to use this shot as it makes the subject look very insignificant and vulnerable. This shot also creates suspense and drama for the audience and leaves them with questions; who is the subject facing? Why is the subject looking in this direction? What's going to happen next? etc.


For the seventh picture I decided to use a high angle mid shot. I decided to use this shot it captures the whole subject in the image and it makes the subject seem very vulnerable and powerless. This creates suspense in the audiences mind and leaves them wondering what will happen to the subject?

For the eight picture I decided to use a mid shot. I decided to use a mid shot as it gives the audience more information about the subject in question, as now this tells the audience that the subject is courting a blue, white and red scarf and a pale blue sailor hat. The mid shot also gives a rough idea of where the subject is.

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