Sunday 21 September 2014

Jelly Babies Opening Scene

For our first task, we had to create an opening scene for a chosen genre by using just jelly babies and  a backdrop as props, in our case we decided to pick the genre 'Western' for our opening scene. Westerns are typically known for telling stories set in the American Old West in the late 19th century, structured around themes such as the conquest of the wild west, the cultural separation of the East and West etc. Western's have a way of engaging the audience with the intricate camera angles and lighting along with the characters and their facial expressions. Even by using jelly babies in contrast to real people, we attempted to construct how the opening scene would be in a Western Movie on our storyboard. For each scene I will be describing why we chose to display it in this way and the feect that it has on the audience.


The movie opens with an Establishing Shot including an over-head shot of Billy, the main character, a gentle traditional country song materializes as the character moves away from the camera, the gentle sound of disgruntled animals can be heard in the distance as the camera dollies out into a long shot. The long shot makes the character seem small and insignificant in comparison to the vastness of the background; his gives the character a sense of vulnerability and weakness.


The scene changes to a quiet, rural village in which the character is now walking, Billy is viewed side on at eye level in a point of view shot.  At this stage it's hard to insinuate what Billy's emotions as the character first appears faceless. The lack of expression creates tension and grabs the audience's attention and draws them in. The audience is detached from Billyr and is watching the plot unfold from a distance rather than connecting with the character at this point.


A wide shot is used to capture the background of the scene, the audience is shown a saloon door being opened. The sound effect of an opening door is made and the old, rustic saloon is focused on. The audience is left to question who will come out of the door and tension is built as the door slowly creaks open at a glacial pace.


The sound of loud country music booms out of the saloon as a large group of people rush out. A wide shot is used to focus on the group of people as a whole rather than focus on anyone specifically. This is the first shot where we can see the character's expressions, we can traces of confusion, anger, horror and disgust .We can assume from this that a fight is on the cusp of beginning.


  We can then see a very wide shot of the characters, slightly above eye-level, we can now see more clearly what's happening in the scene. A 'brawl' is breaking out, however we can see that two people are standing, separated from from the others, one we can only assume is an angry manager of the saloon but the other is half hidden behind a barrel. This gives a sense of mystery to the audience and leaves questions about the character's relation to the rest of the group. The female character, Summer can be seen amongst them trying to break up the brawl.


  We then see a cut-away shot of Billy looking angry and furious, follow by a mob, slightly blurred in the background. The head of one of the characters is looking out of the window in confusion, wondering what's going on? This leaves a sense of mystery and tension that is gradually building up over the next few scenes.


  In this scene there's a close up of Billy, he's positioned at a slightly low angle. This gives the audience the impression that he is in the position of power and control; combined with the determined, stubborn expression on the character's shows that the character is very influential and of high authority in the group. The background is slightly blurred to give Billy the focus of attention in this scene.


We then see a two shot, of Billy and Summer facing each other. The angle is at eye level which tells the audience that the characters are in deep discussion.


 We're now shown an over-shoulder shot, this is so we get to look Summer from Billy's point of view, Summer looks angry at Billy for initiating the fight. 


 We can now see a medium shot of Billy, the angle is at a slant and slightly low to give the illusion that the character is towering over slightly, and in this case is being defensive.


A wide shot is used in this scene, most of the characters are facing away from the camera showing that the characters are moving in the opposite direction. However one of the characters is showing despair, judging by the perturbed expression and the body language, with one hand being raised to the character's face. Summer is following the other characters, potentially trying to stop them.


We are now given another over the shoulder shot of Billy talking to Summer. Judging by the expression on the Summer's face we can tell that there is tension and anger between the two characters. The shot is showing us the conversation from the Billy's perspective.


The scene is then set with the Billy and Summer facing each other in a two shot, positioned at eye level. Summer is positioned on the left which shows that the she has the upper hand in their conversation. Judging by the facial expression on the girl they're having a disagreement.


The tone of the scene has changed, Blly has seemed to be left feeling annoyed and angry. We're given a mid close-up of him so that the audience connects with the him and his emotions. Billy has a hand covering his face, possibly in irritation.


The scene is then set in a isolated, desert the scene is a wide shot, focusing on Billy who is walking away. This gives a sense of eeriness and makes the character seem alone and that he is contemplating about his thoughts in that moment.


We then see an over the shoulder shot of Summer catching up with the main character. We can't see the expressions on their faces which gives a sense of curiosity for the audience. The camera angle is shot at eye level so that the audience can put themselves in the position of Billy and Summer.


Another mid close up is used so that the audience can connect with his emotions. Billy seems enraged and fueled with anger, judging by his facial expression and body language. His hand is on his face once again in irritation.


There's then a mid close up of Summer, this is done to make the audience also see the Summer's point of view as well as Billy's. Summer seems equally as annoyed and seems to been saying something in an angry and assertive manner.


 The scene ends with the Summer walking after the Billy in a wide shot/over the shoulder shot. We can't see the expressions of the characters, we can only assume that the characters are angry with one another judging by their body language. At this point the audience is left with questions;
will Billy jump of the sheer cliff face?, will he get back together with Summer? Will he never speak to Summer again?

These are all questions that will never be known! 

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