Sunday 28 September 2014

Storyboard For Our Preliminary Task

For this task we had to create a storyboard for our preliminary task, the task involved a subject crossing a pathway, sitting down on a chair opposite the other subject, with whom start to engage in a conversation. The task should demonstrate three key video skills which are; match on action shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. In this task I'm gonna be describing what is happening in each picture and what effect each angle and effect will have on the audience. The male subject is 'subject a' and the female subject is 'subject b'


In the first scene, the subject a was on his phone - unaware of the subject b coming towards him in the distance. In this image a mid long shot has been used. We have decided to use a mid long shot as it gives the audience more information about the subject in question, i.e what he is wearing, what he is doing etc.



In these scenes, subject b is walking up some steps, notice that there is a close up of subject B's shoes showing that she is getting closer to  subject a. Subject a looks happy to see subject b - judging by his facial expressions. In these scenes a long shot has been used. We have decided to use a long shot as it shows the whole of subject b, because a lot of the background is shown in these pictures it could seem that the subject b is vulnerable.


In these scenes we can see that subject b has reached the top of the steps and that subject a has now noticed her presence. In these scenes we decided to use a long shot as it shows both the subjects and shows that at this point the audience can now establish that a conversation is going to start between subject a and subject b and shows how far away subject b is from subject a.


In this scene, we can see that subject a is leaving the bench to go and greet subject b. In this scene we have only included the lower part of the body on subject a to focus on the movement and transition from subject a sitting down to standing up to go and greet subject b.


These two scenes just simply show subject a and b putting their arms around each other. The aim of these two scenes is to show a sense of closeness and affection between subject a and b showing to the audience that they are very good friends.


In this scene we have used the film technique 'match on action'. This means that we have focused we have focused on a certain part of something that was shown in the previous scene. In this case we have decided to focus on subject B's face, as both the subjects hug - we have decided to do this as it is showing how happy subject b is to see subject a, this adds a sense of intimacy.

Within this scene we can see subject A's hand leaning over to subject b - guiding her over to the table to sit down. In this shot we have used a long shot to capture both the subjects and their surroundings and also to show their transition from hugging to now, sitting down.

In the scene an over the shoulder shot has been used. This shot has been used as it shows both subject a and b sitting down and it makes it look like the audience is right there - looking over the subjects shoulders.

In this scene we can now see that both subject a and subject b are sitting down. We can see that in this scene the camera is positioned at a slightly low angle, this allows the audience to view both subject a and b as they are sat on both sides of the bench and by the audience is able to tell that both subjects seem to be having an enjoyable time - judging by their facial expressions.


In these two scenes, we can see that a close up of the subjects hands is shown. This has been shown to let the audience see the finer human details and the more slight movements between the two subjects, we can see that in the second scene that a birds-eye view shot has been used. This has been used to show the subjects from a greater distance away and to make it look as if the audience is looking down on them.


In these two scenes we can see two different techniques that have been used, shot/reverse shot and 180 degree rule. We have decided to use both of these techniques as it retains continuity by not distorting the audience's sense of location of the characters in the shots, i.e by not making the audience confused. This shot also makes it look like the audience is part of the conversation as it shows the subjects conversation happening from both of the characters perspectives.


In this scene we decided to focus on the movements of the hands.
We can see that subject B's hand is there but then subject a clasps his hand around hers - maybe for emotional support, maybe she has told him something very hard-hitting and he is trying to comfort her, from this scene we can see that there is a sense of intimacy here and that subject a cares deeply about subject b and he is here to support her.


In this scene we can see a close up of both subjects faces and have also used match on action. This allows the audience to see both of the subjects expressions as they are conveying in a conversation.


In this scene we can see a close up of both of the subjects bags, this creates a sense of diversity and variety within the scenes as it intrigues the audiences and grasps there attention as it is different than just looking at the subjects faces.


In these two scenes we can see the two subjects getting out of the bench and walking away, this gives the sense of the subjects moving away from the audience.


 In these scenes we can see both the subjects walking off from the table, a long shot has been used in each of these scenes as it shows both of the subjects and the background that they are in, this makes the audience aware of the subjects surroundings. You cannot see the subjects faces in these scenes, this tells the audience that subjects may be in deep conversation with each other.


In this scene we can see a close up of both of the subjects shoes. We have decided to do this as it shows a sense of intimacy and closeness between both the subjects and shows attention to detail and also shows that the subjects are getting further away from the viewer.

In the final scene we can see both the subjects disappearing behind a building, this creates a sense of unknown and excitement in the audiences mind. The last scene also creates a string of question that the audience wants to know, such as; where are they going?, will they be ok?, what's going to happen next? These are all questions that will never be known!

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