Monday 20 October 2014

Storyboard For Our Extended Preliminary task

For this task we had to create a second storyboard for our preliminary task. We have decided to do this to tell the audience what happens next in the story, also to let them know what happens with the characters.

In these shots we have included scenes from the background, we have took these shots to set the scene and to make the audience aware of the surroundings in which the film is taking place. The shots included are - mid shot and long shot. we have decided to use these shots as it allows the audience to see the background and also the audience can tell that this scene contrasts from the first scene as this scene shows very dismal weather - letting the audience know that this scene is more emotional than the first part of the film.
This shot is showing a tap coming to a sudden halt, Representing Ella's sudden realization that she misses Jonathan. 

This shot is a panning shot. This has been displayed to display desolate environment engulfing the two characters as one of them is in sadness.

In these shots we have included scenes of Ella departing a building within school and going to another building to meet Marco. Within one scene, Ella is seen treading through a puddle - we have chosen to do this as it tells the audience how dull and dismal the weather is in this part of the film. The weather is reflecting Ella's personality as in the first part of the film the weather is very sunny and cheerful implying that Ella was very happy as at this point in the film Ella had just split up with Jonathon and had realised that he wasn't good enough for her. But, now Ella has had time to contemplate and she now realises how much she misses Jonathon - but Marco is there to comfort her and to reassure her that she will find someone much better than Jonathon.

In these scenes we can see that Ella has picked up her phone and stumbled across a picture of Jonathon and then reminisced about all the wonderful times she spent with him. But then, she suddenly realises that she is better than him and that he isn't worth it. In these 5 scenes we have used; over the shoulder shot, mid shot, close up and long shot. We have decided to use a mid shot as it shows most of the subject to the audience and it also lets the audience know what the subject is doing. We have used an over the shoulder shot as it shows the audience the story from Ella's perspective and it also shows the audience what Ella is looking at. We have also decided to use a long shot. We have decided to use this shot as it makes Ella seem very vulnerable and in a state of distress and makes the audience wonder what is going to happen next. We have also used a close up shot. We have decided to use this shot as it shows the sadness in Ella's face and tells the audience how Ella is feeling.

In these scenes we can see that Marco is walking down the stairs and is coming to meet Ella. In these scenes we have used match on action, mid shot and long shot. We have decided to use match on action in these scenes as it creates a 'visual bridge' which draws the audiences attention away from slight cutting. We have decided to use a mid shot as it shows what the subject is doing (walking down the ramp) and this helps audience assume what is going to happen next. We have also used a long shot in this shot. We have decided to use this shot as it is showing how far away Marco is from Ella.

In these scenes we can see that Marco has swept in the room - unaware of how upset Ella would be. But, He is there to reassure Ella that everything is going to be okay and that he is here to support her through this difficult and emotional time. In these scenes we have used low-angle mid shot, long shot and close up. We have decided to use a low-angle mid shot as it makes it look like you are seeing the scene through Ella's eyes, this makes the audience feel like they are in the scene of the film. We have also used a mid shot in this scene. We have decided to use this shot as it allows the audience to witness more of what's happening in the scene (that Marco has put his arm around Ella to reassure her that everything is going to be ok). We have also used a close up in this scene. We have decided to use this type of shot as it allows the audience to see the characters expressions etc. By using this scene the audience is able to witness that Marco is trying to comfort Ella as she is finding it hard to cope.

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