Wednesday 8 October 2014

Mood boards for characters

For this task we had to create two mood boards for two characters that were featured in our preliminary task. We have done this to show the audience the characters in more depth and to display their personalities, likes, interests and backgrounds.  
Subject 1:
Name: Marco
Age: 16

Likes: Electronic dance music, LGBTQ themed  movies and psychological thrillers ,traveling, Starbucks, going out with friends, standing up for equality and spending time with close family.

Dislikes: Having arguments with friends and being in disagreements with other people, patriarchy and pro-life.

Personality: Marco is extremely caring and considerate to others. He's a very good listener and is always there to help and support his friends in times of hardship. His friends know that if they are ever having a bad day then they can always turn to him for advice and support no matter what.

Because Marco is so caring, this meant that it was easy for Ella to go to Marco and seek his advice and help on what to do next about her relationship.

Subject 2:
Name: Ella
Age: 16

Likes: Pop music, Comedy movies, traveling, dancing, relaxing, writing, shopping, fashion and spending time with her nearest and dearest friends.

Dislikes: gardening, swimming, rap music, romance films and having disagreements with her boyfriend.

Personality: Ella is a very bright and compassionate girl. She's always there for you if you ever need a helping hand and if you're ever in need of fashion advice - she's the girl to speak to. Ella is a very sensitive girl and gets upset easily - especially when she's having relationship issues.

Because Ella is very sensitive this meant that she was very upset and emotional when she broke up with her boyfriend.

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