Wednesday 8 October 2014

Filming Techniques - Panning shot, Tilting and Zoom

For this task we was asked asked to define different filming techniques, including: panning shot, tilt, zoom, hand-held filming. We are doing this task to familiarize ourselves with these types of shots and to further our understanding of them.

Panning Shot

Panning is a camera movement technique that involves moving a camera from left to right. This technique is used for tracking a object or following a type of movement.

Examples of a Panning Shot;
Panning Shot - Example 1 

Panning Shot - Example 2


Tilting is a filming technique in which you move a camera lens up and down while keeping the camera on a vertical plane.

Examples of tilting;

Tilt Example - 1

Tilt Example - 2 



Zooming is one of the most frequently-used camera moves.Zooming is one of the most frequently-used camera moves, it involves changing the focal length of the lens to make the subject appear closer or further away in the frame.

Examples of Zoom;

Zoom - Example 1

Zoom - Example 2

Handheld Filming

Hand-Held filming means making the camera more mobile and able to follow the action of a scene. Most times the camera will simply be held by the operator.

Examples of Handheld filming;

Handheld Shooting - Example 1

Handheld Shooting - Example 2

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